
Consul general

Consul general

Dovydas Špokauskas

Consul General

Date of Birth April 21, 1981
Place of Birth Vilnius, Lithuania


2008-2009 MA, Security Studies Program, Georgetown University,Edmund A. Walsh School ofForeign Service, Washington D.C., USA
2003-2004 Post-graduate professional studies) Practice of International Organizations and Protection of Human Rights, Institute of Human Rights Lyon, France
1999-2004 BA, MA International and EU Law, Law Faculty, Vilnius University, Lithuania

Work Experience

October 2024 Œ– Present Consul General of the Republic of Lithuania in New York
2024 Chief of Staff of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania
2022-2024 Advisor to the Political Director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vilnius (Lithuania)
2020-2021 Chargé d’Affaires at the Embassy of Lithuania to the United States, Washington DC (USA)
2019-2022 Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Lithuania to the United States, Washington DC (USA)
2016-2019 Foreign Policy Adviser to the President of Lithuania, Vilnius (Lithuania)
2011-2015 Permanent Mission of Lithuania to the United Nations, New York (USA)
Since 2005 Security Policy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Vilnius (Lithuania)


Languages Lithuanian (mother tongue), English, French