
Lithuanian Citizenship

Lithuanian Citizenship

We would like to kindly inform you, that all of the regarding citizenship requests (reinstallments) affairs you must contact directly to The Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania. For more information and latest updates regarding citizenship, please click here.

Information about migration services in Lithuanian, Russian and English is provided by the Migration Department call center by phone  8 707 67000 (or +370 5 271 7112, when calling from abroad) or e-mail info@migracija.gov.lt  and the Facebook account.

MIGRIS technical issues and system failures can be reported by e-mail migris@migracija.gov.lt.

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxocUEx8BCpTG7-dli5zZug

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/migracijaLT/reviews/?ref=page_internal

ATTENTION!  From November 15, 2021, all applications for the reinstatement,  of the citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania shall be submitted only through the Lithuanian Migration Information System MIGRIS (www.migracija.ltpersonally by the applicant. 

If a person, when filling in the application for the reinstatement of the citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania, indicates in the MIGRIS system that he or she will come to the Consulate to submit the originals of the uploaded documents, the Migration Department will perform a preliminary assessment of the documents. If there are no deficiencies, the Migration Department will send a message to the person via MIGRIS stating that the person must personally visit the Consulate within 4 months and submit the originals of the uploaded documents. Only upon receipt of such notification will the person be able to register for the visit to the Consulate.

Reinstatement of Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania

Persons who held citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania before June 15, 1940 and their descendants have an indefinite right to reinstate citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania, irrespective of whether they are permanently resident in the Republic of Lithuania or in any other state. The requirement to renounce citizenship of another state (e.g. U.S.) does not apply to persons who may be citizens of both the Republic of Lithuania and another state at the same time, i.e.: 

  • persons who were exiled from the occupied Republic of Lithuania before March 11, 1990 and their descendants (children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren); OR
  • persons who left Lithuania before March 11, 1990 and their descendants (children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren).

Required documents

  1. Valid passport(s) of an applicant (and their representatives, if applicable);
  2. Documents proving directly that an applicant (or at least one of parents, grandparents or great-grandparents) held a citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania before June 15, 1940, for example:
    • Internal or foreign passports of the Republic of Lithuania issued before June 15, 1940;
    • Foreign passports of the Republic of Lithuania issued by diplomatic missions or consular institutions of the Republic of Lithuania abroad after June 15, 1940;
    • Documents attesting to the person’s service in the Lithuanian armed forces or employment in the civil service;
    • Birth certificates (if the birth took place in the territory of Republic of Lithuania within boundaries of 1918-1940) issued by Lithuanian authorities or other documents issued by Lithuanian authorities and having direct reference to Lithuanian citizenship. Please note that the fact of birth in Lithuania by itself alone does not mean that a person became a citizen of Lithuania;
    • personal certificates issued before June 15, 1940 in Lithuania or personal certificates issued on the basis of documents issued before June 15, 1940;
    • In the absence of the above documents - documents concerning studies, work and life in Lithuania before June 15, 1940;
    • ATTENTION: If none of the abovementioned documents are available, documents about the fact that a person held a citizenship of Lithuania before 15 June 1940 can be requested from the Lithuanian Central State Archives by email lcva@archyvai.lt (application forms).
    • Please note that the Republic of Lithuania was restored on February 16, 1918 (persons that have left Lithuania before that date might not have held a citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania).
  3. Documents proving that the person (or one of his parents, grandparents or great-grandparents) was exiled or left Lithuania before March 11, 1990, for example:
  • U.S. naturalization certificate, documents from refugee camps, old passports of foreign countries, U.S. marriage certificates, etc. (issued prior to 11 March 1990);
  • Certificate from Lithuanian Special Archive about the fact of forceful removal, court documents, etc. In order to get archive documents about the fact of exile (forceful removal) by occupational regime, please contact Lithuanian Special Archives by email lya@archyvai.lt (application forms).
  1. Documents indicating relation between the applicant and the person who held Lithuanian citizenship prior to June 15, 1940 (e.g. birth certificates)
  2. Documents evidencing the change of name or surname if a person’s or ancestors' name or surname were changed or modified (e.g. marriage certificates, court decisions, U.S. Social security administration official documents, etc.)


  • Application could be submitted only together with all supporting documents;
  • All foreign documents (except passports) must be translated into Lithuanian. Translation should be official.
  • All foreign documents (for example, U.S. birth certificate, marriage certificate; except the passports) must be validated by Apostille or legalized. In order to get Apostille, please contact the Office of the Secretary of State in the U.S. state where it was issued or the Departament of State for federal U.S. documents (for the U.S. naturalization certificates, especially the older ones, it is recommended to mail the 'certified true copy' that could be otained at USCIS). If the foreign document is issued by other foreign countries, you can contact the closest diplomatic post of that foreign country and ask for guidance.
  • Enclosed documents shall be originals or copies validated by a public notary. All the notary certified copies (except those issued in the Republic of Lithuania) should be additionally certified with Apostille.

Please note that the Consulate General has no possibilities to comment about the processing of the documents and possible timeline.

More information

More information about Lithuanian citizenship

Law on Citizenship

Information for Lithuanian citizens who acquired citizenship of another state (in Lithuanian language)